Sankhya Technologies( has developed a good product on system modelling. It's complete embedded system simulation where you can define/design your own system with complete automation. As It's a complete system with simulation, all device models are described using C/C++. These devices run on the native host and hence can make use of the native platform support for implementing any complex behaviour, to support graphical interface or use devices on the host machine for emulation. I have gone through the demo of it & found that it is a good product "Made In India". More over they have received the Lokheed Martin( Innovation award. I have put some queries to them & got them clarified. Pls find them in the document at the following link.
you can attend a demo, u can come up with new projects. The main advantage here I see is, you don't have to wait for the hardware to be available for developing the software for your product. This way we can develop the hardware environment at some remote location(client or other geo) & using the simulated environment, we can develop the software. Also test the hardware rigorously with automated test scripts, simulation & different kinds of automated test cases before the actual hardware is prepared. They are arranging a Training program in Bangalore, Chennai & Hyderabad. Let me know if you or your team want to attend the same. I'll confirm the dates. Please Note: They can also arrange a demo upon request at your convenience through web meeting. Further if you need any info/clarifications pl mail me on, I will share the details of the person to contact.
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